Final Project: Kiwoko

Improving omnichannel experiences

Helen Ilyuk
5 min readAug 3, 2021

Nowadays Kiwoko is one of the biggest pet shop companies in Spain and Portugal. They are not offering only pet products like food, but also groomers, veterinary clinics, and hospitals. All of this you can find on their website and app.

But speaking about it….

If you enter the website or Kiwoko app you will see without any tech background “There is a lot to improve” So, we started our journey with a survey! We prepared 15 questions related to services that Kiwoko offers to their users and their pets. This survey was sent to 10% of the whole number of users. While waiting for the results, we conducted some interviews to get more open-ended answers from pet owners. The difficulty here was to manage so many answers in a short time, but also to formulate correctly the questions because we were talking to real customers of the company. In the end, in 24h we received 223 answers.

The average user is about 40 years old, woman who usually uses her phone for booking. Why phone? Because it’s more comfortable and she feels more confident when talking to a person. Most of asked people also were agree that they’d like to use an app for booking in order to have a direct access to available hours for scheduling, and not to wait for a vet to pick up the phone :)

Before starting the ideation process we had a meeting with the stakeholders to confirm the ideas and information we received after conducting some part of the research. So, our focus was on improving Booking a Service through the app.

Ideating about the solution, we started comparing the Kiwoko’s App to similar competitors and aspirations they already have.

Figma file

As you can see, it’s a caotic design which has too much contrast and not so great colors combination. In fact, the biggest part of the app is a website. And there just some parts of a native app like log in and check out.

Among the competitors we also saw a lot of contrast but much more organised design. However, the task here consists not only comparing the visual part but functionality.

Generally, Kiwoko it’s not so bad positioned if we compare the company according to services and general experience they offer to the customer. But definitely there is a big need to improve the design and offer less complicated booking process. The main competitor for services nowadays is Mascoteros. It’s a smaller company but if we focus on the features they offer in the app, they go forward: more services to choose from, much more pleasant design, easier to book and contact the clinic. So, we need all of this and more!

We definitely need to include a map and a list no make it more comfortable for any kind of customer, a place description and an option to have online consultation inside the app. Also, according to our research the customers like having clear cancelation conditions and find faster available places. So, in order to offer all that we included a filter wich helps you saving time and finding just available places according to our own schedule and needs.

In any similar situation to our User Persona, when you live in a new city, start looking for different places to take your pet to but you feel lost. Start searching for any information on Google, asking people you already know, but you don’t feel confident. So, you download the app, find Services feature and choose the most suitable place due to your availability. After that you receive a confirmation and can access easily to your appointments through the app and have a reminder (Spoiler:))

Maze test

After your first test we saw that people were struggling with choosing available hours and finding a place on the map. So, we had to change the way our components were functioning. Tough but a very pleasant knowledge we got after this project!

It’s only a small part of all the components we had for the project.

So, finally it’s time to show our final (by now) solution. As we all know, we can modify the prototype on a daily basis. Find errors and create better solutions. In this case, we didn’t touch the home screen Kiwoko already has. We only created a different flow improving the shapes and steps.



  • We can improve and improve every day
  • New components and animations
  • How to speak to the Stakeholder
  • Time-management
  • Question formulation when performing the interviews or surveys

Next Steps

  • Create more filters to make easier the process for finding a correct place
  • Cancelation process
  • Subscription
  • More tests for the High-fi

Thank you Ironhack for this great experience, for all the emotions and knowledge! Particalarly our teachers, Juno and Carolina! It’s a pleasure to meet you! Thanks all the cohort for being there and helping each other!



Helen Ilyuk

UX/UI Designer with a background in translation and copywriting